Engagement in Libya was and remains the right answer
Libya should be held up as a poster child for a Western diplomacy that seriously engages with Muslim populations rather than just propping up their dictators.
A Trumpian Peace Deal in Libya?
Surprising as it may be stateside, U.S. President-elect Donald Trump is wildly popular in Libya, and Tripoli needs an unorthodox approach.
In the Arab Spring, Watch Turkey
Both the United States and Iran are mired in internal political and economic difficulties. Simultaneously, inside the region, both are being outmanoeuvred by an ascendant Turkey.
Honouring Chris Stevens
How the US ambassador killed this week in Benghazi would have handled Libya.
The west must work with Russia to save the Arctic
With the erosion of the tentative co-operation of the post-cold war era, the Arctic seemed to be the last bastion of a functional rules-based international order
Was Sweden ever neutral?
When Sweden finally does join NATO – which is likely to happen later this year, it will mean the end of over 200 years of supposed ‘neutrality’. But was Sweden ever really neutral?
AUKUS Represents the Future of Collective Deterrence
AUKUS may be the most consequential step toward reasserting meaningful Anglosphere collaboration that could serve as a model for how to address common problems and hostile states.
No More Neutrality: NATO and the Twilight of Swedish Exceptionalism
NATO membership signifies expedience at the expense of a self-aggrandizing national myth that has become increasingly difficult to sustain. The chaotic membership process for Sweden has been illustrative of the Global Enduring Disorder.
In the Arctic, cooperation with Russia is simply too important
Russia’s campaign against Ukraine’s people deserves our full condemnation. But there are crucial areas (climate change and preservation of the Arctic) where our and global interests will be worse off if we don’t work with Russia.
The west must work with Russia to save the Arctic
With the erosion of the tentative co-operation of the post-cold war era, the Arctic seemed to be the last bastion of a functional rules-based international order
‘Our Enduring Disorder’: An Interview with Author, and Libya Expert Jason Pack
To understand where things currently stand in Libya, we turned to Libya expert and historian Jason Pack.
Sympathy for the Devil: Stalin in his Own Words
In his latest work, I, Stalin, Martin Van Creveld asks us to have sympathy for the devil.
Is Negotiating with Putin even possible at this point?
The war in Ukraine has now moved into its second, more protracted, and likely more violent phase. Unsurprisingly, given the extent of Russian atrocities, ongoing negotiations have borne little fruit.
It’s Time to Beat Putin at Poker and Call His Bluff
The West must understand the high-stakes game Russia is engaging in, and use calculated aggression to expose the Kremlin's weak hand.
Regimes are temporary but the semi-sovereigns’ power is forever
Libya and the Global Enduring Disorder sketches the myriad sinews of connections linking Libya, Ukraine, Syria, and Egypt.
Why Putin Is Playing Poker, Not Chess
Russia and the West are now at war. And the delicate dance leading to conflict between nuclear powers is a form of poker, not chess.
When the US shrinks from the stage, things fall apart
Instead of conceiving of Ukraine, Libya, or Syria as exotic, far-away conflict zones disconnected from Americans’ daily life, what if we looked at them as the result of America’s abrupt withdrawal from its empire?
Of Tyrants, Petty Bureaucrats, Psychopaths, and Saints - A Review of ‘Corruptible: Who Gets Power and How it Changes Us’
Brian Klaas’ new book examines why certain types of individuals tend to attain institutional power, as well as how this power changes their psychologies, actions, and moral compass.
A personal vantage point on the gamble of the Abraham Accords: Dubai’s first international backgammon championship
It has been a little over a year since the UAE and Israel inked their historic Abraham Accords. Separately from those accords, much has changed in the global political climate.
Libya’s Chaos Is a Warning to the World
Ten years after Qaddafi’s death, Libya is a harbinger of the enduring global disorder to come.